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Dispatches from a kitchen: Lemon Glazed Gingerbread Cookie

Published: 2024-02-19



Feb 20, 2024 at 10:34 AM


In one of the comments on the recipe page, someone suggested using a lemon glaze instead of the confectioner sugar glaze they recommend in the recipes.

I browsed the web for a simple glaze recipe and I came across this lemony granulated sugar glaze recipe from this eHow page. I looked at a bunch the general consensus with the glaze is that it is 2-to-1 ratio of sugar to liquid. Instead of just using water, which most plain glaze recipes suggest, I subbed in lemon juice like this one suggested.

I ran out of granulated sugar lol, so I used some brown sugar as a substitute. For the glaze for 2 dozen cookies, I used a 8 tablespoons of sugar (4 granulated and 4 brown) and 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. You really only need one lemon for this. I thought I would need more so I cut two lemons but it yielded 12 tablespoons lol 😅 I zested one whole lemon and added it. I tend to like a lemony taste and since this glaze is sweet, I mean it really is just sugar for pete’s sake, I added it all.

I liked the smell of making the glaze and it went on pretty easily. I used a rubber spatula to apply it to the cookies.

So I just tested one and I am not sure how I feel about the recipe. One, this is different more like bread than cookie. I should’ve known that from the amount of flour being used. I do like the spices. I feel like since it is more bready that it really needs the glaze to make it more cookie-like.

I will try them again once they’ve cooled down and the icing has solidified.

I also think I made them a bit too thick.


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