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Collection of my work

icon for Brain Imaging Data Structure
icon for Brain Imaging Data Structure

Brain Imaging Data Structure

BIDS-MEG contributor


icon for BrainWaves
icon for BrainWaves


President of Advisory Board


President of Advisory Board

Product Manager

Democratizing Cognitive Science

icon for DIYSciThai
icon for DIYSciThai


Workshop Creator; Co-organizer


DIYSciThai was an Open Science workshop taught in Bangkok, Thailand in June 2016. This two-day workshop is the basis of an open science initiative to provide an integrative curriculum to teach cognitive science through experiential learning.

This DIY workshop featured building research electronics (eye-tracker and EEG) from open-source hardware, and low-cost electronics.

This workshop was supported by grants from Fulbright Thailand, the Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network (OCSDnet), and NYU.

Photos Project Summary

icon for French Embassy to the U.S.
icon for French Embassy to the U.S.

French Embassy to the U.S.

STEM Fellow


Fellowship to conduct dissertation research in France.

icon for Gotham Data Clinic
icon for Gotham Data Clinic

Gotham Data Clinic

Executive Director


icon for Carolina Covenant
icon for Carolina Covenant

Carolina Covenant



Funding initiative for low-income students to graduate from college debt-free through grants, scholarships, and work-study.

icon for Mozilla
icon for Mozilla


Staff Data Scientist

2017-2022, 2024-Present

Revenue Intelligence (2024-Present)

  • Conduct experimentation for new machine-learning-powered experiences in address bar in the Firefox browser.

  • Conduct large-scale data analyses across hundreds of millions of users for our revenue-producing products and our advertising business.

Product Management, ML (2021-2022)

  • Led new product development to incorporate on-device machine learning in applications.

  • Enabled robust telemetry instrumentation to enable contextual recommendation within Firefox.

  • Mentored students at the AUC Data Science Initiative on responsible and trustworthy AI within product development and design.

Product Data Science (2017-2021)

  • Conducted experimentation for new product development for the address bar in the Firefox browser.

  • Conducted large-scale data analysis, and modeling across hundreds of millions of users using non-parametric methods.

  • Used mixed methods of browser telemetry data and user surveys to surface user insights for product recommendations.

  • Mentored two data scientist interns on exploratory data analysis and data science practices.

  • Launched and managed the Data@Mozilla blog.

Executive Summary

At Mozilla, I supported our Revenue and Business Development teams with analytic support. Relatedly, I worked with our product team on the Awesome Bar, our combined address bar and search product within the Firefox Browser, and researched how to improve the user experience with finding things on the web.

Previously, I have worked with one of our product development teams, Test Pilot, to rapidly iterate on new features for the browser. Within the company, I taught introductory courses in data visualization and data analysis to build product intuition and inform product decisions. I also served as a data steward to help safeguard user privacy and control over their data.

icon for Future of Research
icon for Future of Research

Future of Research

Board Member


Served on the board of a nonprofit advocacy group for early-career scientists.

Board Alumni

icon for National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
icon for National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program

NSF Graduate Research Fellow


Fellowship recipient in prestigious national competition for graduate-level STEM Research.

icon for March for Science
icon for March for Science

March for Science

National Co-Organizer: Co-Director of Partnerships


  • Co-led a team to build a coalition of >300 scientific societies, NGOs, science museums, and non-profits to mobilize their members to march.

  • Organized and coordinated one of the largest science demonstration with 100k marchers in Washington, DC and over a million marchers in 610 cities worldwide.

icon for Mozilla Science Lab
icon for Mozilla Science Lab

Mozilla Science Lab

Fellow for Open Science


10-month fellowship

icon for MNE-tools
icon for MNE-tools


Core Contributor


MNE-Python: Core Contributor (2012-2017)

MEG and EEG Data Processing and Analysis Package in Python.

MNE-Realtime: Maintainer (2019-2023)

Supported realtime data analysis with support for LSL and FieldTrip clients. This project has been deprecated and superseded by mne-lsl.

MNE-BIDS: Core Contributor (2017-2020) Read and write BIDS-compatible datasets with the help of MNE-Python in Python.

icon for New York University
icon for New York University

New York University



PhD (2011-2017)

Experimental Psychology: Cognition and Perception

President, NYU Cog Collective (2015-2017) Cofounder of student organization representing the Cognition and Perception program. We thought workshops and hosted socials link.

*Master of Arts (2011-2013) Experimental Psychology: Cognition and Perception

icon for OpenBCI
icon for OpenBCI


Research Scientist Consultant

Research consultant for EEG data analysis and software design.

icon for OpenEXP
icon for OpenEXP


Product Manager


EEG Experimentation Platform

icon for QueerHack
icon for QueerHack


icon for The Recurse Center
icon for The Recurse Center

The Recurse Center


2023, 2024

Summer 1 Half-Batch.

Winter 1 Full-Batch.

Projet Vie.

icon for Science Hack Day
icon for Science Hack Day

Science Hack Day



icon for Stanford University
icon for Stanford University

Stanford University

Mozilla Fellow/Postdoctoral Scholar


During my 2016-2017 Mozilla Fellowship for Science, I was a national co-organizer for the inaugural March for Science in Washington, D.C., which amassed 100k advocates for Science, and for evidence-based decisions in policy-making.

During my postdoc at Stanford, I was a core-contributor to (1) the Brain Imaging Data Structure project for the inclusion of MEG into the specification (our paper), and to (2) the MNE-BIDS project to provide a software implementation (our paper).

icon for Telecom ParisTech
icon for Telecom ParisTech

Telecom ParisTech

Chateaubriand STEM Fellow


icon for RStudio
icon for RStudio


Certified Trainer

icon for University of North Carolina
icon for University of North Carolina

University of North Carolina

Bachelor of Science


Double Major in Psychology and Linguistics

icon for UNESCO
icon for UNESCO




Intern in the Science Department.

icon for Greater NYC Chapter of Society for Neuroscience
icon for Greater NYC Chapter of Society for Neuroscience

Greater NYC Chapter of Society for Neuroscience



icon for New York City Community Board (BKCB1)
icon for New York City Community Board (BKCB1)

New York City Community Board (BKCB1)

Board Member


I served on the Capital Budget Committee, the Board Budget Committee, the Education committee, and the Outreach Committee.

I created and managed the community board Twitter account (@BrooklynCB1).

icon for American University
icon for American University

American University

Senior Adjunct Professorial Lecturer


Statistical Programming: R + Tidyverse

icon for State Space Labs
icon for State Space Labs

State Space Labs

VP, Head of Research and Development


  • Delivered and launched a mouse sensitivity finder for first-person shooter gaming in a joint product venture between the core product team and R&D based on my team’s research.

  • Led a team of five research scientists to incorporate innovative research into Aim Lab, the flagship aim trainer product.

  • Led and coordinated digital health initiatives to create cognitive assessments for altered states of consciousness such as concussion.