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Dispatches from a kitchen: Lace Cookie

Published: 2024-06-28

Original Recipe


To be completed.


My roommate really loves the almond dark chocolate lace cookies from Whole Foods. He occasionally brings home some of their cookies to share and I totally get why, they’re freaking delicious. So one day I decided, being the considerate roommate that I am, that I would bring some home to surprise him with some.

The first few times I went to the store, they were SOLD OUT! 😭 Then two weeks ago, I stopped by and grabbed some. I bought four of them, and that costed me $8! I was flustered; as someone who bakes a lot, the sticker-shock really got to me so of course, I decided that I would try my hand at making my own and of course, Sally had a recipe for me waiting :)

This recipe is pretty straightforward and the cookies turned out great. I need to do another taste test of the Whole Foods ones to see how different these are from those and where I can close the gap.


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